Colorado MoveOn member Kyle Elston sent the following email asking Colorado’s anti-fossil fuel, kool-aid drinking community to electronically sign a petition telling Routt County Commissioners to put a moratorium on “all future oil and gas exploration permits until” — you’ve probably guessed it already — more stringent rules and regulations are in place. Read the whole email below.
Dear Colorado MoveOn member,
Oil and gas companies are pushing to expand their operations in beautiful Routt County, which includes Steamboat Springs.
Before Routt County becomes overrun by the oil and gas industry, we need our county commissioners to impose a moratorium on all future oil and gas exploration permits until proper rules and regulations are in place that will adequately protect both the environment and the public health of Routt County residents.
That’s why I created a petition to the Routt County Board of County Commissioners on, which says:
Considering the attention that the issue of oil and gas exploration in Routt County has received, and the overwhelming public support for a moratorium on all future oil and gas permits until adequate county rules and regulations are put in place, we ask that you please listen to your Routt County constituents and take all necessary measures to impose such a moratorium immediately.
Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name, and then pass it along to your friends:
–Kyle Elston
I don’t know how many are on Colorado’s MoveOn email list, but it appears that Kyle has had some success. His goal is 3,000 signatures, and right now he has just over 2,300 with the usual comments:
Patricia K. Baker, Bellvue, CO, “We must protect such a beautiful area.”
Charles & Myrta Anderson, Arvada, CO, “Water wells have already been contaminaated [sic] where fracking has been allowed. When we have no clean water to drink, we die! Protect our water sources.”
Drew Aslin, Boulder, CO, “I have personally driven through Routt and Rio Blanco county recently and have seen the harmful effects of oil and gas drilling from reservoirs. It is tainting the quality of the water and this needs to stop. It is not environmentally friendly, and it is not going to stimulate our economiy [sic]. Let’s invest in RENEWABLE ENERGY instead :).”
For the record, hydraulic fracturing has not contaminated any groundwater supplies, so I doubt anyone will die due to lack of clean water in Routt County. As for being eco-friendly, few energy sources are more environmentally damaging or economically unsound than “renewable” energy.
For the sake of Routt County residents, taxpayers, and anyone who enjoys affordable, reliable, abundant energy, let’s hope that Routt County Commissioners are brighter than the average Colorado MoveOn member and allow oil and gas exploration permitting to continue.