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Student-Based Budgeting Event Draws Colorado District Leaders, Policy Experts

Brett Ridgway Speaks

District 49 (Falcon) chief business officer Brett Ridgway highlights his district's unique budgeting approach that provides more student equity and school-level flexibility

On September 3, 2015, the Independence Institute and the Reason Foundation co-sponsored an in-depth panel and speaker event titled “Student-Based Budgeting in Colorado” at the Denver DoubleTree Hilton. Featuring financial experts from three of Colorado’s student-based budgeting districts, as well as five national expert speakers, the event drew 60 people to attend, including administrative and board leaders from 16 different school districts. Also represented were Colorado-based education reform advocacy groups, local foundations, and one member of the State Board of Education.

Complete video footage of the Sept. 3 event can be viewed through a YouTube playlist that breaks down the video into seven individual event segments.

Each of the speaker’s electronic presentation files can be accessed by clicking on the following links:

Snell & DeGrow

The Independence Institute's Ben DeGrow looks on as Lisa Snell, the Reason Foundation's director of education, answers wrap-up questions from the audience at the Sept. 3 student-based budgeting event in Denver

Other Key Student-Based Budgeting Resources: