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State Legislators: Just Say No to Obamacare ‘Exchanges’

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is “the nation’s largest, non-partisan, individual public-private membership association of state legislators” whose mission is to “to advance the Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government, federalism, and individual liberty, through a nonpartisan public-private partnership of America’s state legislators, members of the private sector, the federal government, and general public.”

ALEC recently approved a Resolution Against PPACA Health Insurance ExchangesMichael Cannon of the Cato Institute nicely selected some excerpts of the resolution, including:

State-created PPACA exchanges put states in the position of ceding their resources and sovereignty to the service of the federal government, sacrificing their ability to flexibly serve their own citizens…

[A]s states continue to plan exchanges in preparation for PPACA implementation…it [becomes] less likely the PPACA will ultimately be declared unconstitutional…

[T]hese exchanges would be completely artificial devices offering insurance products regulated in their essential characteristics by the federal government, making exchanges anything but free markets [that instead] will continue to be subject to the arbitrary whims of the federal bureaucracy…

There is no penalty for a state in allowing the federal government to implement an exchange…

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT…it is not in the best interest of [a] state for any state official to participate in planning or establishing health insurance exchanges as provided for in the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; and…Congress [should] defund planning grants to states for the establishment of PPACA health insurance exchanges by the states.

Read Michael Cannon’s post on the resolution, and for more details, his testimony before the Missouri legislature.