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School Leaders, Officials Gather to Discuss Challenges Facing Online Education

Dr. Kathryn Knox leads a discussion of obstacles facing Colorado online education and ideas for improving existing policies

On January 11, 2011, more than 30 of Colorado’s online educators, school leaders, experts and officials gathered at the Independence Institute for an important meeting focused on online and blended learning. Those in attendance were able to learn about national trends and the recommendations of the Digital Learning Council, to discuss obstacles to promoting innovation and serving students, and to share ideas for improving policies. After an introduction from Education Policy Center director Pam Benigno, outgoing State Board of Education member Randy DeHoff gave an insightful presentation and Colorado Virtual Academy administrator Dr. Kathryn Knox led a productive discussion. In between, attendees networked with one another over a hot lunch.

Randy DeHoff shares some of the key national trends in digital learning with the audience

Update: The Education Policy Center has posted a transcribed copy of major discussion points brought forward at the January 11 meeting.