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Rep. Shawn Mitchell: No on SB 200: Resist federal control

The Denver Post has published a pro-con on Colorado SB 11-200, which would establish a government-controlled health insurance exchange. State Senator Shawn Mitchell makes the case against the bill.  An excerpt:

[G]overnment has overregulated, distorted, and piled major costs on health care and insurance. Creating a government-owned “exchange” with all the same distortions won’t ease the problems.Without regulatory relief, where will the “vibrant market” come from that exchange-backers describe? Exchanges are a government solution to government problems. …

[E]xchanges are cogs in the machinery of the federal bill. SB 200 creates increased bureaucracy and the framework for subsidies — costs for most of us — and mandates, while conveniently concentrating the action in a perfect shooting gallery for the same special interests and connected players that drag the current system to skim the revenues, regulations, and deal-making in the new system.

via No on SB 200: Resist federal control – The Denver Post.