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Obamacare lawsuits keep coming

At National Review Online, Jonathan H. Adler reviews the pending lawsuits against Obamacare. Some excerpts:

The largest set of PPACA cases are the various challenges to HHS’s contraception mandate, under which employer-provided group-insurance plans must cover all forms of FDA-approved contraception and sterilization procedures.  … They contend that such a mandate contravenes the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA), if not the First Amendment’s protection of religious practice too. …

Physician-owned hospitals have raised constitutional challenges to PPACA provisions limiting their reimbursement under Medicare, and other service providers are likely to challenge implementation decisions that compromise their bottom lines.

In addition, the Goldwater Institute filed the first challenge to the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) on separation-of-powers grounds.

The Obamacare Cases Keep Coming – Jonathan H. Adler – National Review Online.

There’s also the lawsuit, Oklahoma v. Sebelius, concerning subsidies for exchanges not set up by states: Oklahoma Challenges Obama’s Illegal Employer Tax.

See also: healthcarelawsuits.org.