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Nursing homes seek waiver from ObamaCare health control bill

The New York Times reports:

The new health care law is supposed to fix the problem by guaranteeing access to affordable coverage for all [sic]. But many nursing homes and home care agencies, alarmed at the cost of providing health insurance to hundreds of thousands of health care workers, have started a lobbying effort seeking some kind of exemption or special treatment. …

Mark Parkinson, president of the American Health Care Association, the largest trade group for nursing homes, says the problem is that reimbursement rates for Medicaid and Medicare, set by government agencies, do not pay them enough to offer their employees medical coverage. “We do not have much ability to increase prices because we are so dependent on Medicaid and Medicare” for revenue, he said.

via Nursing Homes Seeking Reprieve From Health Care Law – NYTimes.com.

See also “Number of healthcare reform law waivers climbs above 1,000,” at TheHill.com.