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NHS in England fails to meet “even the most basic standards of care”

In February, the Telegraph (U.K.) reported on yet more horrors resulting from government-run health care:

The National Health Service is today condemned over its inhumane treatment of elderly patients in an official report that finds hospitals are failing to meet “even the most basic standards of care” for the over-65s. …

In several cases considered by the Health Service Ombudsman, patients died without loved ones by their sides because of the “casual indifference” of staff and their “bewildering disregard” for people’s needs. …

The “harrowing” cases in the report disclose:

  • An 82 year-old died alone because staff did not realise her husband had been waiting to see her for three hours
  • A woman was not washed during 13 weeks in hospital, did not have her wound dressings changed and was denied food and drink
  • A woman was discharged from hospital covered in bruises, soaked in urine and wearing someone else’s clothes
  • The life-support system of a heart attack victim was switched off despite his wife asking to leave it on while she contacted the rest of the family

via Elder Abuse – Daily Brickbats : Reason Magazine.