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Newt Gingrich’s big government health care “reform”

In the American Spectator, David Catron concludes his case against Newt Gingrich’s health care policy:

This affinity for mandates might not be so deadly if Newt’s health problems ended there. However, when combined with comorbidities such as his seeming endorsement for government-financed end-of-life counseling and the accolades he has given the man most Obamacare opponents consider public enemy number one, it is probably fatal. When these things become generally known, and the “news” media will assure that the word gets out, even his long history as a conservative leader will probably not render him immune from erosion in his support among rank-and-file Republicans, particularly the Tea Partiers. Even if Newt survives long enough to get the GOP nomination, he will have no more credibility on health reform than Mitt Romney. And, if he can’t go after the President on Obamacare, he will lose the election.

Read the whole article: Newt’s Health Problems