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  • Merit Academy: A Story of Perseverance

    Merit Academy: A Story of Perseverance0

    • May 8, 2023

    Merit Academy: A Story of Perseverance tells the eventful story of how citizens in the small community of Woodland Park realized a gap in educational options. Determined to meet the needs of families, they worked against all odds so that families wouldn’t have to drive their children long distances to other communities. Read about Merit

  • The Founders and the Constitution, Part 7: John Rutledge

    The Founders and the Constitution, Part 7: John Rutledge0

    • May 4, 2023

    An astonishing number of Rutledge’s ideas ended up in the final Constitution.

  • VIDEO: Legislature Steals TABOR Refunds, Pays Off Special Interests

    VIDEO: Legislature Steals TABOR Refunds, Pays Off Special Interests0

    • May 2, 2023

    Last year, Independence Institute’s fiscal policy center published a 67-page report detailing every change made to state tax expenditures over Gov. Polis’s first term in office. This year, the legislature has proposed around two dozen new bills to further expand tax expenditures by over $600 million dollars in FY2024-25 alone, with more in future years.