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MacLaren School and K-12 Class Sizes: Finding the Sunday Perspective Section

In a high-tech media world, it’s still lots of fun to get an actual print copy of the Sunday newspaper. That’s what my parents do. Sunday afternoon as I was digging through the newest edition of the Denver Post to find the color comics, I ran across something called the “Perspective” section.

What did I find, but two (not just one) very interesting pieces on K-12 education in our state — things I have told you about before right here on the blog. How exciting is that!

  1. A lady named Megan Nix visited the Thomas MacLaren School in Colorado Springs to share with readers how “old school” is the “future” — for those of you keeping track, MacLaren was one of the new Colorado schools I highlighted way back in August 2009, noted for its classical education curriculum (Denise at Colorado Charters also reported on the charter school’s ribbon cutting ceremony)
  2. Former education commissioner Dr. William Moloney also provided guest commentary arguing that Colorado certainly can afford a modest increase in class sizes as an effective approach to K-12 education in an unusual time of budget cuts — based on a report Moloney recently published with the Centennial Institute that I brought your attention to a couple months ago (the theme of the ineffectiveness of class size reductions is one I’ve also covered)

I’ll have to take a closer look at the Sunday Post from now on, and expand my horizons beyond the “funny papers.” At least this week, the opinions I read were serious… and interesting… and worthy of careful consideration.