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Light Rail Is Defeatable

IB-2003-L (September 2003)
Author: The Center for the American Dream

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Executive Summary

More than fi fty rail transit tax measures have been put before voters in more than twenty urban areas since 1990. Some three out of four of these measures have lost. In all but one election for which records are available, rail proponents were won only by outspending opponents by more than one hundred to one.

For example, a 1989 light-rail measure in Phoe nix lost even though proponents outspent opponents by almost exactly one hundred to one. In 1997, it was back on the ballot in Phoenix, but it lost after proponents outspent opponents by only fi fty to one. In 2000, a Phoenix light-rail ballot measure received voter ap prov al when proponents outspent opponents by 140 to one.