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LifeSharers: Organs for organ donors

Earlier this week Tammy Vigil Fox 31 (Denver) did a feature on a great non-profit organization, LifeSharers:

If you ever need an organ for a transplant operation, chances are you will die before you get one. You can improve your odds by joining LifeSharers. Membership is free.

… LifeSharers members promise to donate upon their death, and they give fellow members first access to their organs. As a LifeSharers member, you will have access to organs that otherwise may not be available to you.


John Stossel is a member. He says: “There ought to be a free market in organs, but since that’s illegal, LifeSharers may be the next best thing. It’s criminal that dozens die every day waiting for organs.” Check out its board of advisors; it includes a few free-market economists and policy analysts including Richard Epstein.

See also: