So last week you and I were drinking with our friend and Trump adviser Steve Moore when he said he thought those protesting their governors to re-open their states were modern day Rosa Parks. That pissed off the command-and-control left and made national news.
So what will our drinking partner tonight, John Fund, say?
You don’t want to miss boozing with one of our favorite freedom fighters … John Fund tonight at 7:00 pm MT. Remember our goal – to have some fun (bordering on civil disobedience) and socialize. And if we happen to talk some politics, well okay.
John Fund is a journalist, the national affairs columnist for National Review Online (NRO) and a senior editor at The American Spectator. Additionally, he served as a columnist and an editorial board member for the Wall Street Journal. He is a frequent guest on Fox News.
John did an incredible piece on how Sweden, once the picture of socialistic failure, is handling COVID by NOT shutting down the economy, and it’s working.
But why have one guest when you can have two?
Our in-studio guest will be Dr. Tom Krannawitter, President of Speakeasy Ideas (which you can learn more about here). Tom is one of the greatest communicators of liberty principles to folks who don’t think about the free market.
This is sure to be a good time, so invite a friend for a beer. Meet me at Independence Institute’s Studio B Bar tonight, Tuesday April 21st, 2020 at 7pm MT.
By Zoom: (download here)
To join the meeting:
Zoom Meeting ID: 984 7663 9270
Zoom Meeting Password: 017333
CaucusRoom: Go to Events page
Technical stuff
• If you want to “video in” live and talk with us, and I hope you do, you MUST be connected via Zoom and you MUST have a drink in your hand.
• If you don’t want to be on video with us live, any format will work just to watch, and you MUST have a drink in your hand.
• If you don’t want to join us at all, well, then you’re just drinking alone. And once again.. that’s just sad.
If you missed us our shenanigans with Steve Moore and Wayne Laugesen last Tuesday, you can watch all the hype right here.
Drink Freedom,