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Isn’t is at least nice to be asked?

Isn’t is at least nice to be asked?

I mean, being able to say, “thanks, but no,” is such an empowering thing. Just ask all the women who keep turning me down.

Well, that’s what Colorado’s Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights does. It requires government to ASK YOUR CONSENT before raising taxes or debt. Sadly, the courts have created so many ways around asking for your consent. You should learn how they do it and how much more you are paying now that you’ve never been asked to pay.

We are proud to present a couple more free TABOR Yes events. I hope you can make at least one. With all the tax increases on this fall’s ballot, this is information you need to have.

The next TABOR Yes event is being hosted by the Centennial Institute and is on Thursday, August 30th at the Maggiano’s in the Denver Tech Center. Click here for more information and to RSVP.

The following event will be in Glendale on Wednesday, September 5th at the Virginia Village Branch Library. Click here to RSVP and get more information.

Think Freedom,
