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Is There a Moral Case for ObamaCare?

John Goodman at the National Center for Policy Analysis writes:

Search the world’s ethical codes and you will have a hard time finding any that are consistent with a health reform [HR 3590] that:

  • Gives people in health insurance exchanges up to 10 times as much federal subsidy as people at the same income level getting insurance at work.
  • Forces young people to pay two or three times the real cost of their insurance in order to subsidize older people who have more income and more assets.
  • Takes from low-income seniors in order to provide subsidized health insurance for non-seniors who have higher incomes.
  • Takes from people who use tanning salons and people who need crutches and wheelchairs and pacemakers and gives to … well …. who knows?

Read the whole post: Is There a Moral Case for ObamaCare? | John Goodman’s Health Policy Blog | NCPA.org.