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Insurance company fined for selling illegal policies in Massachusetts

From Healthcare Finance News, April 26 2011:

According to the [Massachusetts] AG’s complaint, U.S. Life sold health insurance policies in Massachusetts that were not authorized for sale and did not cover health services required by Massachusetts law. The mandated services at issue included mental health, maternity healthcare, infertility care, pap test screening, mammography and preventive care for children up to age six. Through these actions, U.S. Life violated the state’s Consumer Protection Act.

Read more: Insurance company to pay Massachusetts $760K for selling illegal products.

So the state’s Consumer Protection Act (sic) protects consumers from buying products they might actually want?  Isn’t it possible that the people who bought these policies wouldn’t have wanted to pay the increased premiums associated with the mandated benefits listed above?

Jared Rhodes of the Lucidicus Project tweeted: “MA AG to insurance company: ‘STOP SELLING INSURANCE POLICIES THAT PEOPLE WANT!’”

(via FIRM)