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I’m Thankful Colorado Teachers At Least Can Request Political Refunds

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which means I’ll take a little break from blogging. One of the things I’m thankful for are teachers — especially good teachers who work hard, know their stuff, and care about the success and well-being of kids like me. This time of year I also am thankful that teachers in Colorado are free to choose which membership organization best represents them, and that if they join a union they at least have the opportunity to ask for their money back — if they do so by December 15.

What am I talking about? Take 2 minutes and watch this teacher explain it:

Do you still have questions? Then check out this 3-minute iVoices podcast recorded by my Education Policy Center friends — click the play button below or follow the link directly:

You can go right here to fill out a request for a refund from CEA, or you can go here to learn more about this refund and another one you might be eligible to ask for.

Teachers can be thankful for all the information specially made available on our Independent Teachers website: