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HCPC_logoThe Health Care Policy Center’s focus is on public policy that safeguards consumers’ ability to determine their own choices about their own health care and the care of their families. HCPC fights the expansion of government directed health care that infringes upon individual choice. Director Linda Gorman has earned a reputation as one of the nation’s leading experts in free market health care issues.

Latest Posts

  • Medicare Reform Must Precede A Prescription Drug Benefit:0

    Usually the Independence Institute only publishes documents written by Independence Institute authors. We made an exception here because this material is an excellent explanation of the tremendous public health problems that would be created by President Clinton’s proposal for price controls on prescription medicines. Thus, even though we have no position on the author’s proposal to expand Medicare to include out-patients, we think that the author’s description of disaster that price caps would create is very much worth reading.

  • Leftist Actions Speak Louder Than Words0

    The peculiar mix of doublespeak and intransigent intolerance that characterizes the Left was on full display in three separate incidents last week.

    Before Charlton Hestons March 21 speech at CU-Boulder, the Colorado Daily reported that 2nd Amendment defenders protested loudly but peacefully outside Macky auditorium until a large contingent of gun-control advocates arrived. [1] Tensions rose. Mr. Robert Howell threw a punch at another man, scuffled briefly, and was wrestled to the ground by police officers. The Denver Rocky Mountain News reported that Mr. Howell is vice-president of the Boulder chapter of the Bell Campaign.[2] Charitably speaking, the Bell Campaign consists of utopian dreamers who would consider even complete gun prohibition a reasonable restriction, and who believe that when guns are outlawed not even criminals will have guns. Its accuracy can be gauged from its web page where, as of this writing, it calls Boulder a suburb of Denver.[3]

  • Is Mental Health Treatment A Fraud?0

    According to Robyn Dawes, a professor at Carnegie-Mellon University and a distinguished researcher on psychological evaluation and decision-making, the evidence is quite clear. Mental health practitioners possess no special insights into the individual human condition.

  • How Much Should We Spend on Government?0

    The Denver Post reported that House Speaker Russ George, R-Rifle, “acknowledges” that the TABOR amendment has “hampered the Legislature’s ability to adjust fiscal policy to keep pace with the economy” and has “slowed” the Legislature’s ability to cut taxes.[1] This is a curious statement. TABOR imposed limits on state expenditure growth and required that tax increases be put to a popular vote. Apparently “adjusting fiscal policy to keep pace with the economy” means nothing more than growing government by grabbing ever increasing amounts from taxpayer wallets.

  • Refunding the Surplus: Welfare, Whiskey, and Car Keys0

    Author P.J. O’Rourke says that “giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.” With proposals to spend millions on everything from treating the “disease” of obesity to funding 12 day care centers that will determine the “best” way to raise pre-schoolers littering the current legislative session, it is clearly past time for Colorado’s government to take the cure and start a healthy program of diet and exercise. We’ve got MADD to dry out the teenagers. Now we need TADS–Taxpayers Against Drunken Spending–to dry out state government.

  • Student Fees: Buy the Education, Skip the Brainwash0

    A recent letter to the Colorado Daily [1] illustrated the vast philosophical chasm separating those who believe in individual liberty from those who believe in Big Brother.

    The letter opposed House Bill 1127. The bill would make it illegal for state colleges and universities to require students to pay fees to support politically active student groups. The letter writer claimed that “student fees do not fund any groups that endanger public peace, health or safety. Our groups are only working to enhance campus life and to make our world a better placeWithout BSA [the Black Student Alliance] and other community interest groups such as Amnesty International, the Women’s Resource Center, and Stop Hate on Campus, our students might not be as peaceful, healthy or safeour ideas would be held silent without proper fund-raising.”[1]



Linda Gorman, Director, Health Care Policy Center
Email: Linda@i2i.org
Phone: 303-279-6536, ext 107
