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  • Debt ceiling: Budget Deal Doesn’t Cut Spending0

    • August 2, 2011

    “Rs & Ds have come together on a ‘historic’ budget deal that … [the] Washington Post’s lead story calls the cuts ‘sharp’ and ‘severe.’ However, the budget deal doesn’t cut federal spending at all. The ‘cuts’ in the deal are only cuts from the CBO ‘baseline,’ which is a Washington construct of ever-rising spending.” – Chris Edwards, Cato

  • Is There a Moral Case for ObamaCare?0

    • August 1, 2011

    Can ObamaCare be moral when it arbitrarily subsidizes some ways of buying insurance more than others, forces less wealthy people to subsidize insurance for more wealthy people, and “Takes from people who use tanning salons and people who need crutches and wheelchairs and pacemakers and gives to … well …. who knows?”

  • Vermont’s path to single-payer medicine: coverage will not guarantee care0

    • July 28, 2011

    “Upon examination, Vermont’s new law is not actually the start of single-payer health care, but rather the continuation of failed state government attempts to socialize the state’s health care system.” – Sally Pipes, Pacific Research Inst.