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Guaranteed College Admissions for Students, Regardless of their Ability to Do the Work

IB-2-2000 (February 2000)
Author: Charles King

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Executive Summary
Synopsis: Senate Bill 59 imposes admissions quotas which would force state colleges to accept students who are not ready for the level of work required at the college.

What the Bill Does: The “Automatic Admission Act of 2000” mandates that Colorado State University, the University of Northern Colorado, and the four undergraduate campuses of the University of Colorado (Boulder, Denver, Colorado Springs, and the Health Science Centers School of Nursing) admit as undergraduate students all graduates of public high schools in Colorado whose grade point average ranks them within the top twenty percent of grade pointaverages earned by persons in their graduating class.

Discussion: The effects of “automatic admissions” is to deny Colorado’s institutions of higher education their authority to establish their own criteria for admission of students to their programs.