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Get to the Punchline

Get to the Punchline

Sometimes you can skip right to the punchline and the joke still works:
…and then the horse said, “Holy Crap! It’s a talking dog!”
…if that’s my thermometer, where’s my pen?
…if I could walk that way I wouldn’t need the talcum powder.
…$20, same as downtown.
…I don’t have to outrun the bear, just you.

So let me skip to a few punchlines.

With so many newbies to Colorado, the way to save the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights is to teach what a gift to the state it’s been. Thus our TABORyes! campaign coming to a town near you. Next stop, Broomfield on June 20. RSVP here.

At this presentation we’re very excited to have Philbert C. Dempster, a true TABOR-hater and Senior Assistant Deputy Director of Monitoring and Tracking within the Office of Diversity Management and Opportunity (who happens to look a lot like professor Tom Krannawitter), present on why bureaucrats don’t want consensual taxation.

We’re out in the field collecting signatures for our Fix Our Damn Roads ballot initiative to force the legislature to fix our crumbling highways without raising taxes OR fees. If you’d like to volunteer to gather signatures please contact Mike Krause at Mike@i2i.org.

Catch up on my Denver Post columns:

Why it’s safer for your kid to be in a plane than in school might just have something to do with the highly successful program that arms and trains pilots. It’s a great model for how school staff can do it.

Whether or not you like that evil-looking, big blue horse in front of Denver International Airport, public funding of “art” might not be good for, well, art.

The legislature should do its damn job and Fix Our Damn Roads instead of playing bait-and-switch with our tax money.

In The Hill, our transportation guru, Randal O’Toole explains why transit is collapsing everywhere.

I’m filling in for Ross Kaminsky for the next week or so as he travels the world. So tune into 630 KHOW at 6:00 AM to hear a night-owl try to talk straight that early.

And tomorrow, hopeful Republican candidate for governor, Doug Robinson, joins me on Devil’s Advocate, 8:30 PM on Channel 12, Colorado Public Television.

Think Freedom,
