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Get out of the house!

Get out of the house!

Spring has sprung! So it’s time to get out of your house. I’m not saying you’re spending too much time on your couch, but good God look at yourself!

I’ve got just the thing. Join me this Monday evening in Colorado Springs for the first stop of our Taxpayer Bill of Rights Roadshow.

As it is now 25 years old, and so many people are new to Colorado, we thought it’s time to throw a little shindig to refresh folks on why TABOR needs to be saved from the constant assault from the Left. We need to decide if we’re going to let TABOR die from a thousand cuts or be protected for generations. If YOU think taxpayers should give their consent before they raise our taxes and debt, YOU need to be armed with the facts. You won’t get them from the media.

RSVP here!

So come heckle me. Here are the details:

Monday, April 23rd
5:30-7 PM

Barrel Room at IvyWild School
1604 S. Cascade Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80905

Local Host: SpringsTaxpayers.com
Emcee: Jeff Crank, The Jeff Crank Show
Moderator: Amy Oliver Cooke, Independence Institute

Michael Fields, Americans for Prosperity Foundation
Jon Caldara, Independence Institute
Laura Carno, SpringsTaxpayers.com

Get more info and join the coalition to protect the most important tax and spending limitation in the nation by going to TABORyes.com.