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From Human Events to Campus TV: Rounding Up Amendment 66

Senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow chronicled the demise of Amendment 66, the billion-dollar tax increase, for a national audience with a debut column published November 8 in Human Events:

Close observers were almost unanimously stunned by the force of the blow that capsized Amendment 66. The proposal to raise state income taxes by a billion dollars a year was soundly rejected by 65 percent of voters.

Last week DeGrow also provided the counterpoint on 66 for CTV Talks, a student news production at Colorado State University. Other recaps of Institute media contributions on this major issue for 2013 can be found as follows:

The Independence Institute provided a significant amount of intellectual resources that were used to down the billion-dollar tax increase, and continues to educate Coloradans about the need to “raise expectations, not taxes” through the Kids Are First website.