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From fired to hired, plus Tucker Carlson

From fired to hired, plus Tucker Carlson

In case you haven’t heard, I got fired from my gig as a Denver Post columnist for criticizing the media as liberal, saying sex is binary and generally being insensitive. Guilty as charged by the way.

Well I’m excited that the Gazette and its sister publication Colorado Politics took pity on me and asked me to write a Sunday column for them starting February 9th. Read their announcement and subscribe if you’d like to read my ramblings. Thrilled to be with a growing, not shrinking, paper covering politics in Colorado for as long as they’ll have me.

I believe it was the old NLF coach Bum Philips who once said, “There’s two kinds of coaches, them that’s fired and them that’s gonna be fired. And I’m both.” Same goes for newspaper columnists.

Tucker Carlson MIGHT try again. I taped a segment of Tucker’s show after getting canned from the Post. It didn’t air. Apparently, they felt firing a president was more newsworthy than firing a columnist. Who knew? Rumor is he might run it tonight, impeachment news being the wildcard. If not tonight, soon.

If you missed the coverage of my departure from the Post, below is just a sampling. Seems that coerced speech is really hitting a nerve.

Think Freedom (of words)!


Rush Limbaugh
The Daily Signal
National Review
National Review (again)
The Other McCain
Clash Daily
World Tribune
PJ Media
New York Post
American Thinker
The Colorado Independent
The Patriot Post
Before It’s News
Prison Planet
Colorado Pols
Independent Women’s Forum