August 22, 2018
Contact: Mike Krause, Director, Public Affairs, 303-279-6536, ext. 100 or
Fix Our Damn Roads measure on the November ballot
The Colorado Secretary of State today announced the Independence Institute-backed Fix Our Damn Roads (FODR) measure will be on Colorado’s November ballot.
We’re thrilled to be on the ballot,” said president of the Independence Institute, Jon Caldara, “For too long the state has held our roads and bridges hostage while increasing spending on other priorities like Medicaid expansion, hoping we taxpayers get so frustrated by traffic we’ll agree to a tax increase. Well, this fall voters will have a choice. As the Denver Chamber of Commerce pimps a 21% state sales tax increase for transit, roads and a slush fund for cities, there will be an alternative as our Fix Our Damn Roads initiative will also be on the ballot. It will force the state to use its large surplus funds and re-prioritize less than 2 percent of the state budget to roads. FODR funds specific projects listed in the actual ballot language. Voters get the final say – new roads without a tax with “Fix Our Damn Roads,” or a massive “transportation” tax increase to pay for Medicaid expansion.”
Caldara added, “The choice couldn’t be more clear. New roads without a tax increase, or mystery projects with a massive tax increase. I am certain voters will say, ROADS YES, TAXES NO!”
More information available at