Thursday, April 25, 2019
VIP Reception – 5:30 pm | General Reception – 6:00 pm | Dinner – 7:00 pm
Mile High Station: 2027 West Colfax Avenue | Denver, CO 80204
THE INTELLECTUAL DARK WEB. Ever heard of it? Your kids and grandkids probably have. It’s the hangout for the underground Free Speech resistance movement. The Independence Institute Founders Night Dinner 2019 is all about challenging the Orwellian Left’s thought police with our keynote speaker, Dave Rubin, proud member of the IDW. Dave is the host of The Rubin Report, heralded for its politically incorrect and honest approach to discussing complex issues and current events. As a former host of The Young Turks, Dave has been demonized and shunned by his former co-hosts because of his ideological change from Progressive to Classical Liberal.
Join us as Dave talks about the dangers to free speech and how he and other IDW members are using podcasts, webcasts and other new media to reach wide audiences and challenge the Speech Police.
Rubin started his career as a stand up comedian and still performs around the country highlighting our increasingly polarized political landscape and is currently on a world-wide speaking tour with Dr. Jordan Peterson.