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  • January 20 Colorado Energy Cheat Sheet: Billionaire Steyer plays CO politics; NM files intent to sue EPA over mine spill0

    • January 20, 2016

    Independence Institute associate energy policy analyst Simon Lomax has the latest on green billionaire Tom Steyer’s efforts to tilt the legislative balance in Colorado in 2016: San Francisco billionaire activist Tom Steyer is getting more deeply involved in Colorado politics than ever before. After spending more than $350,000 on research and polling in the Centennial

  • War on Coal: Sec. Jewell’s comments on fed coal halt0

    • January 15, 2016

    Costly fees and additional regulations, along with a three year programmatic environmental impact statement: Secretary Jewell Launches Comprehensive Review of Federal Coal Program Implements Pause on New Coal Leasing while Review is Underway; Announces Additional Transparency, Good Government Initiatives to Modernize Program WASHINGTON – Secretary Sally Jewell announced today that the Interior Department will launch

  • War on Coal: Sec. Jewell's comments on fed coal halt0

    • January 15, 2016

    Costly fees and additional regulations, along with a three year programmatic environmental impact statement: Secretary Jewell Launches Comprehensive Review of Federal Coal Program Implements Pause on New Coal Leasing while Review is Underway; Announces Additional Transparency, Good Government Initiatives to Modernize Program WASHINGTON – Secretary Sally Jewell announced today that the Interior Department will launch