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  • Curriculum Transparency: A Must for Effective Parent-Teacher Partnerships

    Curriculum Transparency: A Must for Effective Parent-Teacher Partnerships0

    • April 29, 2022

    Due to extended periods of virtual learning, heightened social tensions, and extensive media coverage of a variety of hot-button issues, parents have taken a keener interest in the business of their children’s education than at any other time in recent memory. Parents have demanded more access to information regarding which curricula schools adopt, which educational

  • 2019 School Board Candidate Briefing Materials

    2019 School Board Candidate Briefing Materials0

    • October 8, 2019

    One of the Education Policy Center’s primary goals is to educate local education leaders about important education policy issues, thereby equipping them to make smart, well-informed decisions in their school districts. As part of that effort, the Education Policy Center staff provide biennial education policy briefings to all interested school board candidates, regardless of political

  • Big Surprise: Jeffco’s “Just Moms” Funded Primarily and Directly by NEA0

    • December 24, 2015

    We’re now nearing two months since the undeniably terri-bad local school board elections of 2015. I’m sure all of you remember The Night the Lights Went Dark, when very nearly every conservative school board member or candidate fell victim to the might of the education establishment and the teachers union. Now, as the dust begins […]

  • Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: Jeffco’s Ken Witt Pokes Recall Advocates0

    • October 9, 2015

    Friday Fun Day has arrived yet again. I don’t have super-secret materials to share or an inspiring video to show you today. But I do have something pretty darn entertaining: A school board reformer in Jeffco calling the bluff of recall proponents in Jeffco by filing a complaint against… himself. Yes, that’s right. Tired of […]

  • Thompson Stands Up for Change0

    • May 7, 2015

    Some famous guy at some point in history once said that the hardest part of any effort is taking the first step. How right he was. Even at the tender age of five, I can tell you that it’s hard to do big, scary, important stuff. But you don’t need to take my word for […]

  • Broad Brush “Limited Impact” Claim Vindicates Progress of Prop 1040

    • May 4, 2015

    Last week I posted a case study from the Thompson School District, an example of how NOT to negotiate an employee agreement. Just because the popularly enacted Prop 104 has opened the door on these negotiations doesn’t guarantee that they will be conducted effectively, at least not on the first try. That isn’t to say […]