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  • Devil’s Advocate: Blended Learning Rises in Colorado0

    • July 23, 2013

    Education senior fellow Krista Kafer explains how blended learning helps students access the best of both digital technology and professional instruction. Her new issue paper highlights Colorado’s growing number of 21st century district and charter school innovations.

  • Devil’s Advocate: Tax Credits for Colorado K-12 Education0

    • July 23, 2013

    Education Policy Center director Pam Benigno discusses the case for scholarship tax credits in Colorado as a way to give low- and middle-income students more educational options.

  • Devil’s Advocate: Colorado Charter Schools Turn 200

    • June 6, 2013

    Education Policy Center director Pam Benigno and longtime Colorado League of Charter Schools president Jim Griffin reflect on the 20th anniversary of Colorado’s Charter Schools Act, the third of its kind in the nation. The guests share colorful stories from the past and discuss some of the state’s charter successes.

  • Devil’s Advocate: SB 213, Billion-Dollar Colo. Education Tax0

    • April 24, 2013

    Senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow discusses Senate Bill 213, the massive piece of legislation attempting to change how schools are funded if Colorado voters approve a billion-dollar tax increase initiative.

  • Devil’s Advocate: Cage-Busting Education Leadership0

    • April 19, 2013

    American Enterprise Institute education scholar Rick Hess and Douglas County School District superintendent Liz Fagen discuss the importance of strong leadership in bringing about effective education reform. Senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow makes his debut as guest host.

  • Devil’s Advocate: Colorado Teachers Can Get Union Political Refunds0

    • November 19, 2012

    Senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow sits down with host Jon Caldara to discuss the Colorado Education Association’s Every Member Option. The EMO allows teachers to receive a portion of their union dues that would go towards political advocacy back. The total refund amount varies from district to district, but the refund is guaranteed – as long as teachers ask for their money back by December 15 each year.