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  • Dougco Board Proposes Teacher Raises, Performance Pay, & Ending Union Privileges0

    • April 10, 2012

    Colorado’s Douglas County school board once again has charted a bold course with its initial proposals for the upcoming open bargaining negotiations with the teachers union. Maintaining a healthy reserve in tight budget times, the Board is offering employees a raise, a restart of the forward-thinking performance pay system, a cutback of union privileges, and a recognition of teachers’ right to choose.

  • Baseball Season (and the Inevitable Comparisons with Education Reform) is Back0

    • April 5, 2012

    What role should value-added test scores play in evaluating teacher performance? While I’m not going to take both sides of the debate, like the nation’s largest teachers union has done recently, there is more nuance to the question than the purpose of this post is suited to address. Maybe you can come to next week’s […]

  • Fordham Offers a Few Good Suggestions to Improve Colorado K-12 Accountability0

    • April 4, 2012

    Calling all Colorado education policy makers and policy wonks: I hope you’ll check out this new Fordham Institute report Defining Strong State Accountability Systems: How Can Better Standards Gain Greater Traction? My Education Policy Center friends and I can’t endorse everything in the publication.
    But it’s worth looking at because Colorado is one of seven […]

  • Harrison’s Reform Champion Mike Miles to Move On to Bigger Dallas Stage0

    • April 3, 2012

    I’m a little down in the dumps today, and the cool, gloomy weather only has a little bit to do with. Ed News Colorado has reported that bold Harrison reform superintendent Mike Miles is all but officially moving on to be chief of the Dallas Independent School District, the 14th largest in the nation. Apparently, […]

  • PACE Teachers Weigh In on Pensions, Open Negotiations, Funding, and Literacy0

    • March 30, 2012

    The Professional Association of Colorado Educators (PACE) — a young, small, but growing (Hey, sounds like me!) non-union teacher membership organization — this week released the results of a member survey on some key education policy issues facing our state. With a Spring Break Friday sailing me away into lazy oblivion, today seemed like the […]

  • In Denver on April 12? Bring Your Brown Bag Lunch to a “Teachers Matter” Event0

    • March 27, 2012

    If you live in the Denver area, please mark your calendars for Thursday, April 12, from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM. The Education Policy Center is hosting a brown bag lunch event with special guest speaker Dr. Marcus Winters. The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs assistant professor and Manhattan Institute senior fellow will be sharing the findings and recommendations from his new book Teachers Matter: Rethinking How Public Schools Identify, Reward, and Retain Great Educators. Follow the link to find out how to RSVP.