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  • Dougco, Dougco, Dougco! State Board Reapproves Teacher Licensure Waiver0

    • April 19, 2012

    Before diving in, I have to be up front with you: Yes, this is the third time in less than 10 days I’m writing about Douglas County. (And it has nothing to do with the fact that the first legal documents were filed this week in the appeal of last August’s district court permanent injunction […]

  • Denver Teacher Tells Frustrating Union Opt-Out Story: Here Comes HB 13330

    • April 18, 2012

    A 2010 Education Policy Center article highlighted a couple real-life examples of teachers who were harmed by the tight revocation deadlines and burdensome procedures that frustrate those who simply want to end their union dues deduction. A new Denver Post guest teacher commentary provides another example and a strong case for House Bill 1333, which as introduced would allow school district employees to opt in or out of union/association dues any time with 30 days notice.

  • Vincent Carroll Sounds Bold Themes of Dougco School Board Budget Proposal0

    • April 16, 2012

    Last week I brought your attention to the Douglas County school board’s bold proposals heading into historic open negotiations. (Thank you, Parent Led Reform!) While I’m little and sometimes notice things that most big people do not, that’s certainly not the case with the Dougco budget proposal.
    In fact, Denver Post columnist Vincent Carroll yesterday delved […]

  • Teachers Matter Author Headlines First Independence Institute Brown Bag Lunch Event0

    • April 16, 2012

    On Thursday, April 12, the Independence Institute Freedom Embassy hosted its first-ever Brown Bag Lunch event with a presentation on the research that informs educator effectiveness policies. Manhattan Institute senior fellow and University of Colorado at Colorado Springs professor Dr. Marcus A. Winters shared the findings from his new book Teachers Matter with an audience

  • Research Says Teachers (and Teacher Policy) Matter0

    • April 13, 2012

    University of Colorado at Colorado Springs professor and Manhattan Institute senior fellow Dr. Marcus Winters discusses the major themes of his new book Teachers Matter. Learn what research has to say about how to identify, promote and reward effective teachers.

  • Encouraging News: Performance Pay in Harrison Gradually Gaining Teacher Support0

    • April 11, 2012

    I’m busy tweeting about the landmark first day of open union negotiations in Colorado’s third largest school district — Douglas County — so you’ll have to forgive a shorter post for today.
    In my normal brilliantly childlike fashion, I jump at the opportunity to put together two topics I’ve written about recently. What are those two […]