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  • What Will High-Paying Boulder Valley Get for Boosting New Teacher Salaries?0

    • June 4, 2012

    What if I told you the Colorado school district with the second-highest average teacher salaries just dramatically increased compensation for new hires and is still figuring out how to pay for it?
    A few days ago the Boulder Daily Camera reported that the Boulder Valley School District agreed to boost starting teacher salaries to one of […]

  • School’s Out, But Douglas County Summertime Happenings Worth Watching0

    • June 1, 2012

    School is out… Hooray!!! But in Douglas County, Colorado’s third-largest school district and a true hotspot of education reform, the summer months still give us plenty to which we can look forward. First, this month of June represents the final 30 days before the collective bargaining contract with the Douglas County Federation of Teachers (DCFT) […]

  • Former Gov. Jeb Bush Headlines Denver ACE Luncheon with Inspiring Message0

    • May 30, 2012

    Has it been a whole year since the last big ACE Scholarships luncheon? Funny. I was still 5 then, too. Last time around it was my edu-reform crush Michelle Rhee, only a few months out of her famous tenure as chancellor of D.C. Public Schools, explaining her change of heart about vouchers and praising Douglas […]

  • Candidate Romney Proposes Moving the School Choice & Reform Ball Ahead0

    • May 24, 2012

    It’s not every day when my parents turn on the radio and get to hear education policy top the national news headlines. But yesterday Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave a big speech to explain why improving education was “the civil rights issue of our era, and it’s the greatest challenge of our time.”
    Hardly […]

  • “True North” Report Calls on Denver Public Schools to Refocus, Raise the Bar0

    • May 23, 2012

    A team of local education reform groups has partnered to release the new report True North: Goals for Denver Public Schools. It’s a quick, worthwhile read for anyone interested in improving the outcomes of American urban education. Denver Public Schools is often cited as a reform model for districts in other cities across the land, […]

  • Adams 12 Teachers Fired for Alleged Theft Resurrects Tenure Reform Debate0

    • May 16, 2012

    On Monday night, Denver CBS4 investigator Rick Sallinger broke a story about Adams 12 dismissing two teachers for allegedly bilking thousands of dollars in PTO funds that were supposed to go for student trips. I never like to see such a story as the one featured in the 3-minute video. Interviewed by Sallinger, school board […]