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  • DeGrow Lauds Dougco Transparency, Bold Reforms and Declining Union Power0

    • June 15, 2012

    Senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow’s comments on unfolding events surrounding teacher union negotiations in Douglas County were featured in a story today on American Family Radio News (One News Now). Responding to reporter Bob Kellogg, DeGrow highlighted the practice of open negotiations and praised the district for its commitment to bold reforms: “The school board

  • The End of Teacher Collective Bargaining in Dougco?0

    • June 15, 2012

    Are we really nearing the end of a teachers union bargaining agreement in Douglas County? Senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow discusses the background, some of the key disputed issues, and the potential fallout as negotiations between school district and union officials wind down and the bargaining agreement expiration date approaches. Douglas County soon could become Colorado’s largest school district without a teacher collective bargaining agreement.

  • Dougco Union Power Not Worth Sticking Out a Neck?0

    • June 13, 2012

    Originally posted at Colorado Peak Politics. Re-posted here with permission. By Ben DeGrow In a superb column today, the Denver Post‘s Vincent Carroll raises a question that not long ago would have stretched the bounds of reason: Are these the final days for the Douglas County Federation of Teachers? With June 30 looming as the

  • Teachers Union Officials Get Sappy, Sentimental about Declining Power0

    • June 12, 2012

    After the landmark Wisconsin recall elections, American public education has crossed an important threshold of declining union power and a gradual shift away from the industrial collective bargaining model. While NEA officials wax sentimental (“the way they were”), I look forward to a new model of employee relations that respects both teacher voices and options, while focusing primarily on student learning needs.

  • Wisconsin Postmortem: More on Teachers, Unions, and Where It’s All Headed0

    • June 6, 2012

    Yesterday I shared some thoughts about the current and coming changes to public education labor relations and the teaching profession. And since Gov. Scott Walker did indeed pull out a convincing win last night in Wisconsin, interest in the topic remains strong.
    State Budget Solutions has put together a great brief highlighting why current government […]

  • Wisconsin & Douglas County (CO): Key Moment for Professional Teaching, Reform?0

    • June 5, 2012

    So I hear there’s this little election going on in Wisconsin today. As is so often the case, the political happenings are closely connected to the issues of our public school system. One of the nation’s leading education reform voices, RiShawn Biddle, has written a two-part series (here and here) highlighting the dilemma centrist Democrats […]