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  • Opportunity Culture Promotes Smarter K-12 Spending through Teaching Enhancement0

    • July 27, 2012

    Edublogger extraordinaire Joanne Jacobs brought my attention to Opportunity Culture, a new website project of the group Public Impact. The idea? How to extend the reach of excellent teachers with innovative uses of time, space, technology and professional roles. Opportunity Culture has a smart group of people advising the project, and of course Public Impact […]

  • Will Hick’s $10,000 from AFT Affect Dougco Intervention Decision?0

    • July 26, 2012

    Five weeks have passed since the Douglas County Federation of Teachers (DCFT) filed a request with the Colorado Department of Labor to intervene and protect the union’s monopoly power. The clock is still ticking. What is Hick going to do? Labor Department executive director Ellen Golombek’s longstanding ties to the AFL-CIO — the DCFT’s mother union — have been well established. But ultimately the decision rests with her boss, Governor John Hickenlooper.

  • Time to Revisit the Need for Serious Cost-Saving K-12 Reforms in Colorado0

    • July 24, 2012

    In Education Next, Nevada state superintendent James Guthrie and co-author Elizabeth Ettema argue that U.S. schools face a prolonged period without historic per-pupil funding increases. The time remains ripe for Colorado K-12 leaders to develop a performance-based school finance system and to help forge a path that can be followed to promising innovations like blended learning and merit pay.

  • Indiana Teacher Case Should Unsettle Colorado Union Foes of Member Options0

    • July 23, 2012

    Colorado union leaders succeeded in killing this year’s House Bill 1333, a proposal that would have granted teachers the ability to opt in or out of union membership with 30 days notice. Yes, they hung their opposition on the pathetic “local control” argument. And they have to be hoping the issue just goes away.
    But poke […]

  • “Teacher Who Couldn’t Read” Addresses Literacy at Next Brown Bag Lunch0

    • July 18, 2012

    That last Brown Bag Lunch back in April — the one with Marcus Winters, author of Teachers Matter — was such a success that my Education Policy Center friends are excited to introduce the second Brown Bag Lunch, coming soon:
    This year’s signature education legislation, the Colorado READ Act, has shined the light on the need […]

  • Douglas County Aftermath Means Time to Inform about Teacher Member Options0

    • July 17, 2012

    So no more union monopoly collective bargaining agreement exists for teachers in Colorado’s third-largest school district… Now what? Change certainly isn’t easy. And the group losing its prestigious status, in this case the Douglas County Federation of Teachers, isn’t just going to walk away quietly into the shadows.
    The largest teachers union, NEA, already is […]