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  • AFT National Teachers Union Resolved to Protect Power in Douglas County0

    • August 6, 2012

    Summer vacation is almost over (for some students, it already is). Any reason why I can’t write about Douglas County again? That’s what I thought. So here goes…
    Education Week’s Stephen Sawchuk reported last week from the annual the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) convention that members sounded off on a local Colorado issue:
    The union passed, […]

  • Let’s Treat Irreplaceables (Teachers, Not Cartoon Superheroes) Accordingly0

    • July 31, 2012

    One of the themes my Education Policy Center friends and I like to harp on is how poorly most of our K-12 system does in distinguishing high-quality educators from their low-performing counterparts. And the problem is especially pronounced in low-income urban communities, where tremendous need exists for great instruction to compensate for the challenges more […]

  • Let’s Put Together Good Ideas to Improve How We Hold K-12 Schools Accountable0

    • July 30, 2012

    More than 10 years after Washington, D.C., gave us the No Child Left Behind era, the issue of educational accountability is returning to the forefront. How do we measure and attribute school success (or failure)? Who should be held accountable, and how should that accountability be shared? What should be the consequences, both positive and […]