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  • Dougco Moving Forward with Bold Innovations to Performance Pay, Evaluation0

    • October 12, 2012

    A quick Friday hit, thanks to Ed News Colorado, as the local Douglas County paper highlights the reform-minded school board’s progress in implementing performance pay and related upgrades to teacher policies:

    While pay for performance isn’t new in Douglas County, the program still under development pushes aside the traditional pay system based on years of experience […]

  • Colorado Isn’t Alone in Considering School Finance Reform “Grand Bargain”0

    • October 11, 2012

    I’ve shared with you before my concerns about the work of Colorado’s School Finance Partnership — too weighted down by established interests, too vague and unambitious thus far, etc.
    The Partnership put out a report in August, but now is transitioning to a series of technical discussions on how to make effective changes to school […]

  • Where Exactly Can Denver Public Schools Save Money in Its Budget?0

    • October 5, 2012

    Last week my Education Policy Center friend Ben DeGrow came out with a short, fun, and kid-friendly paper called “Colorado K-12 Tax Hikes Challenged.” The paper looked at five large school districts asking voters for more tax funds on this fall’s ballot: Jefferson County, Denver, Cherry Creek, Aurora, and St. Vrain Valley.
    DeGrow acknowledged that these […]

  • AFT’s Randi Weingarten Steps Forward as Face of Opposition to Bold Dougco Reforms0

    • October 4, 2012

    Lucky Colorado. Yesterday the president of the nation’s second-largest teachers union paid a visit. Ed News Colorado reports that while AFT’s Randi Weingarten stopped in to tout an innovative school nutrition program at Denver’s Cole Arts and Science Academy, she also used her big political stick to bash the Douglas County school board:

    “This is what’s […]

  • Won’t Back Down Movie Makes Cool Kids of Education Reformers Like Me0

    • October 2, 2012

    The premiere of the education reform feature film Won’t Back Down has stirred protests from teachers union protests. But in his review for Ed News Colorado, senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow hails the movie’s powerful message: “We will not wait.” On a fun note, the film — starring past Oscar nominees Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis and former Oscar winner Holly Hunter — demonstrates that education reform themes and issues have entered the mainstream.

  • NY High School Success Calls for Look at Old-Fashioned Writing Instruction0

    • October 1, 2012

    Some of you out there probably think I’m starting to get lazy. Just pick out an education-themed article and point you two it, then head along on my way. But this one I couldn’t resist. A new piece in The Atlantic magazine by Peg Tyre gets at the nitty-gritty of learning and knowledge through telling […]