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  • Colorado Initiative’s Early Success Raises the Math and Science Bar (Gulp)0

    • October 26, 2012

    I occasionally get accused of being some kind of verbal prodigy. Less often do I get asked about my math and science skills. And frankly, it’s fine with me not to go there. But I get the scope of the problem associated with not enough students qualified and ready for careers in science, math and […]

  • Teachers Union Offices Need to Improve Information on Member Political Dues0

    • October 25, 2012

    What happens when local Colorado teachers union offices take phone calls wanting to know how member dues are spent on political campaigns? Read and watch the results, which show the need to improve customer service. CEA can do better providing teachers complete and accurate information about how the union spends money on politics, as well as the Every Member Option (EMO) refund.

  • K-12 Education System as Jobs Program? Let’s Agree on Something Better0

    • October 24, 2012

    In a lot of the debates Colorado has had about school funding (and more are sure to be had), the question lurking in the back of my mind is: What do we want our education system to be? What do we want it to do? Well, a new study from the Friedman Foundation for Educational […]

  • Antonucci Deconstructs Chicago Teachers Union President’s Post-Strike Answers0

    • October 22, 2012

    Call me lazy. Call me a copycat. Call me whatever you want (“sticks and stones,” and all that…). Just read this insightful piece by Mike Antonucci that unpacks the answers of Chicago Teachers Union president Karen Lewis in a post-strike retrospective interview. His piece reminds us that democracy applies more broadly than to union actions, […]

  • Colo. Teachers Union Members Automatically Funding False, Malicious Political Ads0

    • October 18, 2012

    Many Colorado teachers may be unknowingly funding a political group under government investigation and private legal complaint for creating multiple “negative ads were filled with outrageous and unfounded claims.”
    An article by Colorado Media Trackers highlights the detestable activities of the 527 group Colorado Accountable Government Alliance (CAGA). The Colorado Education Association’s small donor “Public […]

  • Ridiculous: Mich. School Districts Defy Reform Law with $1 Teacher Bonuses0

    • October 17, 2012

    Far too often the world of K-12 education seems like a venture into the ridiculous. Forget the sublime. Some of us would be happy with a handful of common sense. But there’s also a good practical lesson for school reformers in a new from Michigan Capitol Confidential story highlighting a couple school districts’ sarcastic approach […]