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  • Growing Support for Dougco Pay-for-Performance Suggests Staying Power0

    • November 28, 2012

    According to a school district dispatch yesterday, Douglas County’s visionary, cutting-edge work in performance-based educator pay and evaluations has received a key nod of community support:

    The Castle Rock Economic Development Council (EDC) has endorsed the Douglas County School District pay-for-performance program.
    “We know excellent schools are one of the top reasons that companies choose to locate […]

  • Food for Thought as Colorado Grinds Ahead Reforming Teacher Evaluations0

    • November 27, 2012

    With so much going on in Colorado’s world of education reform — and all sorts of new and shiny things taking place — it can be easy to forget the state is in the middle of a large-scale change to teacher evaluations.
    The highly-charged debates over SB 191 in 2010 seem like a distant memory. […]

  • Did You Receive a Postcard About Every Member Option? December 15 Deadline Approaching0

    • November 26, 2012

    Updated for 2013
    Did you receive a postcard like this in the mail? Click on the image for all the information and links you will need to request one or more Every Member Option (EMO) political refunds from the Colorado Education Association and its local affiliates:

    You can also watch the 1-minute animated video on the EMO […]

  • Denver Teacher Finally Able to Exit Union, But Happy Ending Isn’t for All0

    • November 20, 2012

    I have a (sort of) happy ending to a story shared here back in April. Though she had to wait nearly a whole year, Denver teacher Ronda Reinhardt finally was able to exercise her right and revoke her union membership.
    In many Colorado school districts (including Denver), a teacher who wants to exercise her right to […]

  • Devil’s Advocate: Colorado Teachers Can Get Union Political Refunds0

    • November 19, 2012

    Senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow sits down with host Jon Caldara to discuss the Colorado Education Association’s Every Member Option. The EMO allows teachers to receive a portion of their union dues that would go towards political advocacy back. The total refund amount varies from district to district, but the refund is guaranteed – as long as teachers ask for their money back by December 15 each year.

  • Falcon 49 Moves Forward on Teacher Career Track Innovation: A Delicious Idea0

    • November 13, 2012

    Just when someone might think the innovation process in Falcon School District 49 has stalled out (just one school got rid of tenure so far?), here comes a pie in the face. Not a yucky key lime pie in the nostrils, mind you, but a delicious chocolate cream pie surprise that you can lick off […]