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  • Amy Oliver Show: School Choice Week Celebrates Teacher Options0

    • January 22, 2013

    The Professional Association of Colorado Educators’ Tim Farmer discusses how school choice can benefit teachers, along with new legislation (Senate Bill 017) that would allow teachers to opt out of unions and other membership organizations when they see fit.

  • To Free Up Education Funds, Fix PERA and Offer Scholarship Tax Credits0

    • January 21, 2013

    You know how much I have to restrain myself when it comes to using the “it’s for the kids” mantra, so I simply couldn’t resist quickly bringing your attention to some important new insights from local pension system analyst Joshua Sharf.
    With the tongue-in-cheek title “PERA – It’s All for the Kids,” he paints full-color pictures […]

  • Liberty Watch Push for Open Union Negotiations Gains Traction in Loveland0

    • January 16, 2013

    It’s great to see more Colorado citizens demanding their tax-funded school districts conduct important business about personnel policies and special interest privileges in the public eye.
    A petition by the grassroots group Liberty Watch to bring negotiation transparency and other union reforms to Thompson School District made its way onto the pages of today’s Loveland […]

  • EIA Reports $15 Million Spent by NEA Union on Advocacy Groups in 2011-120

    • January 16, 2013

    Little Eddie has been so busy, his head is spinning. But I didn’t want to leave everyone hanging. If you are a teacher or know a teacher, you might encourage them to check out this new report from Mike Antonucci at the Education Intelligence Agency: [National Education Association] Gave $15 Million to Advocacy Groups in […]

  • Video Begs Question: What Would Union Leaders Like Tax Hike to Pay For?0

    • January 10, 2013

    A couple days ago I brought to your attention the looming heartburn the Colorado legislative session portends for those who support parental choice, school accountability, and the transparent, effective use of tax dollars in K-12 education. If you want to keep tabs on your needed antacid intake by checking the status of introduced legislation, you […]

  • Teacher Evaluation Debate Kicked Up by Gates Project Hits Colorado0

    • January 9, 2013

    If a person asked why he is doing something gives the response, “Because everyone else is doing it,” that usually won’t pass muster. If that person happens to be 5 years old, even if an accomplished blogging prodigy, you’d cut them a little slack… right? Today, it seems like everyone out there has something to […]