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  • Amy Oliver Show: How Can Colorado Improve Teacher Preparation?0

    • February 12, 2013

    Sandi Jacobs from the National Council on Teacher Quality discusses how Colorado can improve its D letter grade in preparing effective teachers and providing accountability to colleges of education.

  • DougCo Board Opponents’ “Crazy” Real Estate Rumor Debunked By Facts0

    • February 12, 2013

    These are momentous days in Douglas County, Colorado. A 60,000-student school district charting new horizons for parental choice and academic excellence through cutting-edge, performance-based systems? An organized labor interest group frustrated at being stripped of monopoly power? Yes and yes. A lot of eyes are watching what unfolds in the growing suburbs south of Denver. […]

  • Rick Hess Slam Dunks for Colorado with Call for Cage-Busting Can-Do0

    • February 11, 2013

    Local education leaders want to transform a rigid, bureaucratic system — re-imagining the delivery of instruction, giving more freedom, flexibility, and accountability to teachers and principals at the school level. But then some interest groups or just plain old naysayers come along to protest, saying “We’ve never done it that way before.” Or maybe a […]