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  • Parent Trigger Concept Doesn’t Need Discrimination against For-Profit Operators0

    • October 23, 2012

    A few weeks ago I shared with you about a “parent trigger” debate triggered by the release of the movie Won’t Back Down. In that discussion, New Schools for New Orleans’ Neerav Kingsland argued that “the best parent trigger is parent choice between non-governmental school operators.”
    Yesterday another division erupted in the “parent trigger” discussion between […]

  • Amy Oliver Show: DPS Removes Controversial Evaluation Language0

    • October 18, 2012

    Education Policy Center director Pam Benigno tells how Denver Public Schools has backed away from language promoting student social activism, and highlights the opportunity for others to expose absurdity in the education system and win a scholarship through the Citizen Journalism project.

  • Will Modern Skyview Campus, Choice Set Stage for Mapleton Academic Success?0

    • October 9, 2012

    Yesterday I shared some thoughts about how a growing Brighton district with some crowded schools might find some creative solutions to its problem. While securing safe, functional and adequate facilities is a high priority for some school districts, others can bask gratefully in their new quarters and hopefully focus even more on the mission of […]