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  • Justice’s Slow-Turning Wheel: CEA’s Opening Tenure Appeal Argument0

    • December 15, 2014

    When I told you last week about the Colorado Supreme Court hearing in the Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program case, it came home just how slowly the wheels of justice turn. At least that’s how it seems from the perspective of a perpetual 5 year old. But I hadn’t given much thought to how redundant […]

  • Amy Oliver Show: Dougco Community Rallies Around School Choice0

    • December 15, 2014

    Great Choice Douglas County president Charcie Russell and local retired teacher Debbie Cohen talk about why they support the Douglas County School District’s Choice Scholarship Program.

  • CO Independent Cites DeGrow on Dougco Choice in Supreme Court0

    • December 12, 2014

    A December 12 Colorado Independent story by Lisa Greim on the Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program’s hearing before the Colorado Supreme Court included a comment from senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow about what a favorable ruling might mean: “There’s a wait-and-see attitude” among districts, DeGrow said. A Supreme Court ruling favorable to school-choice proponents

  • Can’t Contain My Excitement: Dougco Case Reaches Supreme Court Today0

    • December 10, 2014

    Don’t get me wrong: Christmas will be great when it comes in a couple weeks, but there’s only one Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program hearing before the Colorado Supreme Court! Following a great amicus brief and a terrific Denver Post op-ed written by a Dougco dad, a positive ruling sometime in 2015 could open doors and break down more barriers in parts of Colorado and beyond, giving students and families access to more educational options than ever before. Power to the students and the parents!

  • CRPE’s Latest Report Reminds Me That We Still Need More Choice0

    • December 9, 2014

    Last week, I gave you quick rundown (okay, it wasn’t that quick) of two big charter reports. But a little guy can only write so much in one sitting, and there was still one more big report on public school choice from the Center for Reinventing Public Education to cover. We’ll do that today. The […]

  • Report Madness! A Breakdown of This Week’s Charter School Reading0

    • December 4, 2014

    As a junior education policy explorer, I’ve noticed a couple of things. First, education stuff is complicated. Second, complicated education stuff leads to a whole bunch of reports and studies. Lastly, those reports  and studies tend to come in spurts—a fact that often results in a whole lot of reading for yours truly. Let it […]