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  • African-Americans Set Pace for Reform in Public Education0

    • March 18, 2007

    Critics believe vouchers are a “policy disaster” that will “destroy public education in America.” But a natural disaster has already wiped out public education in one American city, and its citizens are turning to vouchers to rebuild it. Who is right?

  • HB 1072 attacks individual workers' rights0

    • February 4, 2007

    A controversial legislative proposal debated this week in the State Senate clearly attacks the rights of individual workers.

    Having won approval in the House chamber, union leaders and their legislative supporters appear poised to rob non-union employees of the simple opportunity to vote before their paychecks can be raided. House Bill 1072 would remove a vital protection in the Colorado Labor Peace Act.

  • Offer greater school choice in Colorado0

    • February 4, 2007

    Gov. Ritter’s inaugural address stated a worthy goal: “To provide employers the best educated workforce in the nation, reduce the dropout rate, and close the achievement gap.” The governor should start with looking at the most successful public schools in the state. If he did so, he could see that school choice increases student achievement. The logical next step would be to place the public school system in the hands of “professional parents.”