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  • Harrison School District Set to Transform Teacher Pay0

    • February 16, 2010

    El Paso County’s Harrison School District is preparing to radically change how its teachers are paid. Superintendent Mike Miles explains why Harrison is moving to the Effectiveness & Results Pay-for-Performance Plan, and what separates it from other reform efforts to change teacher compensation.

  • Colorado Schools and Association Release Time: Making the Privilege Accountable to Citizens0

    • February 12, 2010

    For the sake of public accountability and transparency, Colorado needs more effective oversight of education employee association leave. Through locally negotiated policies, many Colorado school districts grant release time privileges to local employee associations. Teachers and classified employees are excused from professional duties to serve extended periods as association officers or to spend particular days performing various association-related activities.

  • Colorado Needs to Improve Teacher Policies0

    • February 4, 2010

    Though a few Colorado policies promote quality teaching in our K-12 schools, the state has plenty of room to improve in this area. Sandi Jacobs from the National Council on Teacher Quality explains how Colorado stacks up in her group’s new comprehensive 2009 State Teacher Policy Yearbook, and what the state can do to get better than its current D+ grade.

  • NEA’s Recent Political Giving Flatters Colorado with a Badge of Honor0

    • January 12, 2010

    Every year the Education Intelligence Agency’s Mike Antonucci undertakes the daunting work of going through the National Education Association’s federal financial disclosure report (hosted online by the U.S. Department of Labor).
    In his latest exclusive analysis, Antonucci found the NEA’s contributions to advocacy groups and charities reached $26 million in 2008-09 — nearly double from […]

  • Unveiling TFA’s Secrets of Quality Teaching… How Do We Scale It Up?0

    • January 8, 2010

    Writing for the new edition of The Atlantic, Amanda Ripley talks to the Teach for America (TFA) crew about what they’ve learned about quality teaching from their vast stores of data. We know quality instruction can make a huge difference, but you may be surprised to learn what characteristics TFA finds match up with making […]

  • JCEA Notices Our Political Refund Message to Teachers0

    • December 16, 2009

    Every year the Independence Institute notifies teachers across Colorado of the availability of the Every Member Option political refund. Listen as Jon Caldara and education policy analyst Ben DeGrow discuss the refund option and the flattering reaction of the Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA), the state’s largest local teachers union.