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  • September Main Time Colorado School Employees Can Opt Out of Union Dues or Non-Member Fees0

    • September 1, 2010

    September has arrived. For teachers and other employees in many Colorado schools, the busy season continues. But today also marks the beginning of the short time frame in which union members in several school districts can choose to opt out of a year’s worth of union dues (and in a few cases — as our […]

  • Video: Unions Abuse Non-Union Teacher Paychecks0

    • August 16, 2010

    Check out this new Independent Teachers video about what happens when a non-union school employee who is forced to opt out of paying union fees every year misses the deadline because of family medical emergencies:

    From the YouTube summary:
    Due to family medical hardships, non-union Pueblo school employee Becky Robertson missed an annual deadline to opt out […]

  • Colorado Teacher Membership Opt-Out Periods Coming in August and September0

    • August 2, 2010

    August has arrived — which not only means that the new school year for most Colorado students lies just around the corner, but also opens a short window of time for many Colorado teachers to make important decisions.
    Teachers and other education employees in Colorado of course have a variety of professional and union membership […]

  • Sen. Michael Johnston Leads Teacher Discussion on SB 191 Reform0

    • July 6, 2010

    On June 23 the Education Policy Center was honored to host state senator Michael Johnston leading a discussion with Colorado teachers about the new teacher tenure reform law: Senate Bill 191. His presentation was the main focus of our sixth annual Independent Teachers Fellowship. For more on SB 191, see policy analyst Ben DeGrow’s May

  • Education Action Group Highlights Union Release Time Research0

    • June 1, 2010

    In its national email blast, also featured on the NEAexposed blog, Education Action Group put the spotlight on our research into subsidized teachers union leave from classroom duties.

  • CO Senate Bill 191: Looking Back and Looking Ahead0

    • May 13, 2010

    Colorado executive director of Stand for Children Lindsay Neil discusses the recently-passed SB 191 – the education tenure and evaluation reform bill – in light of the bill’s broad coalition of support, the intense and emotional debates in the legislative process and the national attention it has received. Neil also talks about Colorado’s chances in the much-ballyhooed Race to the Top federal grant competition and the next steps for ensuring the new law will be implemented to promote effective teaching and school leadership.