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  • NEA Spends $1.9 Million in Teacher Dues on Negative Colorado U.S. Senate Election Ads0

    • October 28, 2010

    Speaking of “How much does NEA spend on politics?”, read the following release on the union’s habit of spending large sums of teacher dues on that annoying negative political advertising (click on “Fullscreen” for the easi…

  • So… “How Much Does NEA Spend on Politics?”0

    • October 20, 2010

    Of course, the answer to the question is: Depends what you mean. Some issues to consider:

    Are we talking about the national union headquarters, state union affiliates and/or local union offices?
    Are we only discussing “PAC money” or all the kinds of independent expenditures that regular dues money may be spent on?
    Are we looking at spending only […]

  • Colorado Teachers Unions Give 99.8 Percent of Political Funds to Democrats0

    • September 14, 2010

    Right now, it’s the heart of political season. That means some teacher organizations — the Colorado Education Association (CEA) and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) — are actively involved in contributing member funds to various campaigns. (Other teacher organizations do not collect or distribute member money for political contributions.) But did you realize just how one-sided the political giving is?