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  • Devil's Advocate: Colorado Considers Parent Trigger0

    • March 4, 2011

    Tune in to Devil’s Advocate as host Jon Caldara is joined by State Representative Don Beezley and the Independence Institute’s Ben DeGrow to discuss Representative Beezley’s “parent trigger” legislation, which would empower parents to transform a low-performing school into a charter or innovation school. The Wisconsin public employee union showdown also emerges as a topic of conversation.

  • Public Unions Organize Against Their Fellow Citizens0

    • March 4, 2011

    Some have compared Wisconsin union protesters to the recent Egyptian street demonstrators. Superficial similarities aside, the comparison misses the point. Egyptians protested against a dictator. Union leaders protest against taxpaying citizens.

  • Pushing Back Against Public Employee Unions0

    • February 22, 2011

    A significant piece of Wisconsin legislation to cut spending and rein in public employee union power has led to protests and a lot of national media attention. Education policy analyst Ben DeGrow breaks down the differences between public and private sector unions, what the bill would actually do, the potential national impact, and whether any of the ideas might be a good fit for Colorado.