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  • Michigan School Board Shows Laudable Commitment to Bargaining Transparency0

    • May 25, 2011

    When it comes to union negotiations, the Traverse City school board in Michigan is showing what many of their Colorado counterparts could learn: Let the Sunshine in! Giving taxpayers the opportunity to observe the bargaining table where school district and union officials hash out tax-funded policies is a great step for public accountability and transparency. Jeffco Public Schools and all Colorado can learn from Traverse City and do better by their citizens.

  • Open Union Negotiations Push in Jeffco Gets Favorable Attention0

    • May 12, 2011

    A couple weeks ago I asked the leading question: Is momentum growing for open union negotiations in Colorado? It may have been wishful thinking, but just for the short term. I was so glad to see Mike Rosen take on the issue in today’s Denver Post column (following two 850 KOA radio talk show appearances by senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow), even if the news he had to bear was not my first choice for an outcome.

  • Jeffco Teachers Union President Credits DeGrow, Institute on Open Negotiations0

    • May 10, 2011

    At the May 5 meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education, representing Colorado’s largest school district, Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA) president Kerrie Dallman said she was “perplexed” that open teachers union negotiations had become such an issue and credited “Ben DeGrow and the Independence Institute” for bringing it attention.

  • Mike Rosen Show Features Discussion of Open Union Negotiations in Jeffco0

    • May 4, 2011

    Senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow joined Jefferson County Board of Education director Laura Boggs as guests on 850 KOA’s Mike Rosen Show for a full hour to discuss the controversy over open union negotiations in Colorado’s largest school district. Go here to listen to a podcast of the 11 AM hour from the May 4

  • Open Negotiations Should Be Consistent Practice0

    • April 27, 2011

    Jefferson County citizens deserve open and accountable government. If school budget and union negotiations can be hidden from view without majority approval from the Board, however, real accountability is lacking. The collective bargaining agreement that gives the Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA) exclusive representation more than 5,000 district teachers plainly sets transparency as the default setting. Nevertheless, the language is hollow.

  • Have Colo. Springs Union Leaders Given Up Safeguarding “the Future of Children”?0

    • April 14, 2011

    About six weeks ago CSEA president Kevin Marshall said the Colorado Springs teachers union wanted bargaining negotiations closed to “safeguard the future of children.” According to a new Gazette story, it appears that the union reluctantly has agreed to jeopardize “the future of children” — well, maybe just a little bit — by agreeing to opening only one of many sessions (Friday, 4/15, 8 am – 8 pm, Jefferson Education Center, Colorado Springs). Whether transparency also comes to other sessions has yet to be decided.