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  • Michigan Considers Teacher-Empowering Payroll Reform, Like Colorado Did in 20080

    • September 14, 2011

    Business Week features a brief story about a piece of legislation under consideration in the Michigan legislature:

    A proposal that would prohibit public schools from automatically deducting union dues from employee paychecks is advancing in the Michigan Legislature.
    The Republican-led House Oversight, Reform and Ethics Committee approved the measure Tuesday with a party line 4-2 vote. The […]

  • Nine Key Changes at the Bargaining Table: A Policy Handbook for Colorado School Board Reform Leaders0

    • September 6, 2011

    Of Colorado’s 178 school districts, 41 have a formal bargaining relationship with one or more employee unions. Because Colorado has no defined public-sector labor law, the greatest opportunity to reform restrictive policies and interest group privileges comes at the school board level. Opportunity awaits local education leaders to enhance flexibility, fairness and fiscal responsibility at the bargaining table.

  • September ‘Tis Season for Colo. School Employees Who Want to Opt Out of Union Dues or Fees0

    • September 1, 2011

    In Colorado schools across the state are back in session, which puts us in the short time frame in which union members in several school districts can choose to opt out of a year’s worth of union dues (and in a few cases for non-union members to opt out of paying hundreds of dollars in union fees). You can find a complete list of membership revocation information for all teachers and school employees.

  • New Phi Delta Kappa Poll Makes Case for Teacher Membership Alternatives0

    • August 22, 2011

    Update, 8/23: The new PDK poll isn’t alone in making the case for teacher alternatives. PACE membership director Tim Farmer makes a great case that “professional associations are the future of teaching” today on the Ed News Colorado blog.
    The state of American public opinion on teachers and their unions, as reported in the recent Phi […]

  • National Educ. Assoc. Doubles Fee on All Member Teachers, Funds “Progressive” Media Group0

    • July 26, 2011

    Teachers and other education employees who belong to a union affiliated with the Colorado Education Association automatically contribute a portion of their dues to the NEA headquarters in Washington, D.C. ($166 per full-time member in 2010-11). As the Education Intelligence Agency reports in the latest edition of the Communique, it looks like that figure is […]

  • Context on Colorado K-12 Funding & Personnel: Time to Aim Beyond Average0

    • June 1, 2011

    The Education Intelligence Agency provides a reminder that severe economic recessions typically don’t affect K-12 public education anywhere near the same as they impact families and businesses. From 2004 to 2009, school personnel increases outstripped student enrollment growth in most states. While some pine for Colorado to attain the national average in per-pupil spending, that average is fraught with unsustainable trends. Instead, let’s liberate parents and inform them as education consumers, make the funding follow the student, and then see if funding is “adequate.”